25 research outputs found

    Polynomial-Time Fence Insertion for Structured Programs

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    To enhance performance, common processors feature relaxed memory models that reorder instructions. However, the correctness of concurrent programs is often dependent on the preservation of the program order of certain instructions. Thus, the instruction set architectures offer memory fences. Using fences is a subtle task with performance and correctness implications: using too few can compromise correctness and using too many can hinder performance. Thus, fence insertion algorithms that given the required program orders can automatically find the optimum fencing can enhance the ease of programming, reliability, and performance of concurrent programs. In this paper, we consider the class of programs with structured branch and loop statements and present a greedy and polynomial-time optimum fence insertion algorithm. The algorithm incrementally reduces fence insertion for a control-flow graph to fence insertion for a set of paths. In addition, we show that the minimum fence insertion problem with multiple types of fence instructions is NP-hard even for straight-line programs

    Open Heterogeneous Quorum Systems

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    In contrast to proof-of-work replication, Byzantine replicated systems maintain consistency with higher throughput, modest energy consumption, and deterministic liveness guarantees. If complemented with open membership and heterogeneous trust, they have the potential to serve as a global financial infrastructure. This paper presents a general model of heterogeneous quorum systems, where each participant can declare its own quorums, and captures the consistency, availability, and inclusion properties of these systems. In order to support open membership, it then presents reconfiguration protocols for heterogeneous quorum systems: joining and leaving of a process, and adding and removing of a quorum. It presents trade-offs for the properties that reconfigurations can preserve, and accordingly, presents reconfiguration protocols and proves their correctness. It further presents a graph characterization of heterogeneous quorum systems, and its application for reconfiguration optimization

    Well-formed Properties of Heterogeneous Quorum Systems

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    Byzantine quorum systems provide higher throughput than proofof-work and incur modest energy consumption. Further, their modern incarnations incorporate personalized and heterogeneous trust. Thus, they are emerging as an appealing candidate for global financial infrastructure. However, since their quorums are not uniform across processes anymore, the properties that they should maintain to support abstractions such as reliable broadcast and consensus are not well-understood. In this paper, we first see a general model of heterogeneous quorum systems where each participant can declare its own quorums, and capture their properties. It has been shown that the two properties quorum intersection and availability are necessary. In this paper, we prove that they are not sufficient. We then define the notion of quorum inclusion, and show that the three conditions together are sufficient: we present reliable broadcast and consensus protocols, and prove their correctness for quorum systems that provide the three properties

    Concurrent Programming Paradigms, A Comparison in Scala

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    There is a rapid rise of multi-cores in recent hardware architectures. To exploit computational power of multi-core architectures, software should shift to be as concurrent as possible; and therefore should have concurrency control mechanisms. There are different concurrency programming paradigms such as locking and conditions, non-blocking algorithms, actors and software transactional memory (STM). There is a need to compare these approaches in terms of ease of use and performance. This work implements three fundamental cases of credit transfer, producer-consumer and token ring with different paradigms in Scala and the quantitative and qualitative results of the experiments are presented. Besides an STM implementation in Scala is presented

    Transactors: Unifying Transactions and Actors

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    Composability and deadlock-freedom are important properties that are stated for transactional memory (TM). Commonly, the Semantics of TM requires linearization of transactions. It turns out that linearization of transactions that have cyclic communication brings incomposability and deadlock. Inspired from TM and Actors, this work proposes Transactors that provide facilities of isolation from TM and communication from Actors. We define the semantics of Transactors including support for cyclic transactional communication. An algorithm implementing this semantics is offered. The soundness of the algorithm is proved

    C4: Verified Transactional Objects

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    A framework for Verified Transactional Objects in Coq. - Formalization of concurrent objects, linearizability, strict serializability, and associated proof techniques. - Verified linearizable concurrent hash map - Verified strictly serializable TML - Verified strictly serializable transaction-predicated ma

    On the Correctness of Transactional Memory Algorithms by

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    Transactional Memory (TM) provides programmers with a high-level and composable concurrency control abstraction. The correct execution of client programs using TM is directly dependent on the correctness of the TM algorithms. In return for the simpler programming model, designing a correct TM algorithm is an art. This dissertation contributes to the specification, safety criterion, testing and verification of TM algorithms. In particular, it presents techniques to prove the correctness or incorrectness of TM algorithms. We introduce a language for architecture-independent specification of synchronization algorithms. An algorithm specification captures two abstract properties of the algorithm namely the type of the used synchronization objects and the pairs of method calls that should preserve their program order in the relaxed execution. Decomposition of the correctness condition supports modular and scalable verification. We introduce the markability correctness condition as the conjunction of three intuitive invariants: writeobservation, read-preservation and real-time-preservation. We prove the equivalence of markability and opacity correctness conditions. We identify two pitfalls that lead to violation of opacity: the write-skew and write-exposur